Partnerships for Sustainability Education (PSE) is a global network of education leaders, teachers, parents, children, youth, schools, and communities committed to transforming education. We envision a healthy, just, and sustainable world wherein people value, sustain, and realize human potential while achieving sustainability, well-being, and equity for all.

The COVID-19 pandemic pushes us to understand more deeply how we are all interconnected and demand for us, now more than ever, to build partnerships, co-create positive changes, and build a stronger, united world.

Undeniably, international cooperation is most critical at this time. There is a great need to create platforms for people to stay connected, learn with each other, and drive transformation to address the greatest challenges of our time: health, environmental, and education issues, poverty, inequality, injustice, and climate change.

As a network, PSE nurtures the ecology and health of education as it promotes fairness and care in families, schools, and communities around the world. PSE inspires innovation, sustainability, and leadership in teaching and learning. We develop best practices and promote policies and programs that support children and youth, teachers, families, and schools. We nourish relationships between and among partners across and beyond the education sector.

PSE offers opportunities for partner individuals and organizations to develop knowledge, skills, and values on sustainability education through informed discussions, continuous professional development and school improvement programs, and collaborative projects.

Together, we build each other to become agents of change.



Develop, inspire and empower education leaders, educators, children, youth, parents, families, schools, and communities to take action to create a just, equitable, and sustainable society


A healthy, just and sustainable world wherein people value, sustain, and realize human potential while achieving sustainability, well-being, and equity for all


  • Build partnerships between and among education leaders, teachers, children, youth, schools, higher education institutions, civil society, the private and public sector, and communities through dialogues, continuous professional development and school improvement programs, and collaborative projects on innovative teaching and learning, sustainability, and leadership.
  • Provide capacity-building assistance to individual and school/organization partners to become change agents and leaders so that their voice influences the decisions of education leaders, policymakers, business leaders, etc. in their own locality 
  • Provide venues and platforms for partners around the world to connect with each other– to learn, share, and develop best practices on curriculum, sustainability, and leadership appropriate for their local context
  • Create and promote policies and programs that support children, teachers, families, and schools 
  • Greater use of and access to research and evaluation on innovation, sustainability, and leadership initiatives, programs, and practices in schools with measurable impact
  • Increased multi-sector support for a transformative education that nurtures the ecology and health of education and promotes fairness and care in families, schools, and communities.

Core Values

Leadership – We inspire and empower partners to help create a transformative education that fosters innovation, sustainability, and leadership. Our decisions and actions are based on equity, inclusion, excellence, and social justice. 

Care – We safeguard what is known to work while we explore new approaches in a responsible way. We pay careful attention to our actions and how they impact other people and the environment.

Innovation – We embrace change and inspire new ideas, new tools, better ways of creating and delivering our work. We inspire others to innovate in similar ways.

Collaboration – We know that creating a just, equitable, and sustainable world requires cooperation and teamwork. We need one another to achieve this common goal.

Service – By giving our focused attention on the impact of our work, we make a difference in the world.

Key Areas

Sustainable Leadership

Climate Change and Nature Education

Sustainable Well-being

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Global Digital Citizenship

Sustainability and Human Rights

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